7.45am – 5.30pm Monday to Friday (51 Weeks per year)
At Hampstead Hill School the Early Years and Pre-Reception Year children are taught reading, writing and mathematics as part of the daily syllabus, working to fulfill the aims of the EYFS and beyond. Other classes include language development, simple nature study, art, craft, cookery, nutrition, poetry, & drama, PE & games and modern languages. History, geography and science are taught from 4 years of age. Singing, movement and music in every form are some of our most important occupations. The School building is surrounded by a large garden which is in constant use by the children throughout the year and is an added source of happiness in their school life.
All children in Pre-Reception are expected to stay at school until at least 2.15pm daily as we cannot fit the expanding syllabus into the mornings only from this stage. We are happy to accommodate any different combination of hours should this be requested and we can also offer extra hours to any family whose child usually attends on a part-time basis but need more on a temporary basis, in an emergency or in any other circumstances. The School is not under any obligation to keep a child’s place open if fees are unpaid or in arrears, unless a special arrangement has been made.
When the children join the Upper School, from mid-July each year, the Reception Year classes join together to form a Junior Holiday Scheme (additional costs apply). They enjoy many and varied educational and fun activities, including music/drama/art & craft workshops, sports courses, nature rambles, visits to museums and places of interest and day-long outings.
Children who choose to sit the 4+ assessments for other schools remain on our waiting list for places in the Upper School. You will be asked to fill in a form about your intention to sit these assessments at the appropriate time.
The Lower School remains open throughout the year, except for Bank Holidays and a period at Christmas and New Year which varies according to where the Festive Season dates fall.
A term’s notice is required, in writing, before a pupil is withdrawn or fees will be charged in lieu.
We offer a variety of sessions ranging from half-days to full time.
Reading is an integral part of the Hampstead Hill School curriculum. We aim to foster an enjoyment of reading and a love of books. Children read daily on a one-to-one basis with a member of staff and also take part in paired reading with a friend and guided reading sessions in small groups.
Pupils at Hampstead Hill School benefit from an unusually interesting and attractive site in the heart of leafy Hampstead.
Lower School children in Early Years, Pre-Reception and Reception have playtimes during the day in the main garden where there is a variety of equipment, and in the two-tier meadow where they can play imaginatively.
Some Lower school classrooms are situated in the original school hall adjacent to St. Stephen’s, while others are set in the grounds. Lower school children also have access to St. Stephen’s for movement and exercise classes.
The school benefits from being only a few minutes’ walk from all the wonders of Hampstead Heath with its various playgrounds as well as the historic and most interesting Kenwood Estate. We are also privileged to have special access to the South End Green Peace Garden and the Belsize Nature Reserve.